You start the plugin by selecting abacolla from the apps menu in Jira
When the plugin starts you will be presented with the issue transfer screen. Before the analytics engine can start, issues from your projects have to be transfered into the memory of the analytics engine.
project = "MYPROJECT"
Relax during the import and follow the progress bar
When all the issues are loaded the analysis screen will appear.
The analysis sceen can be divided into six regions. These regions are illustrated by the red frames in the image below.
There are two restart buttons.
Start over
The start over button will clear all selected dimensions displayed and selected values in these dimensions. It means you can start a search over again.
Unselect button
Dimensions selected will not be reset, but selected values wil be cleared.
There are two value display buttons.
Will display the sum of the values within one dimension based on the search selection
Will display the percentage of the values within one dimension based on the search selection
You can select dimensions to be used during the data analysis by clicking on the check boxes next to the variable name.
The drilldown order during the analysis is depending on the sequence you select or unselect variables here, but it can be rearranged during the search.
When a box is checked the values of the selected dimension will appear below in the interactive drilldown area. By unchecking a variable it will disappear from the interacive area not be used in the search.
There are seven toolbar buttons affecting the interactive drilldown area from left to right.
You can select dimensions to be used during the data analysis by clicking on the check boxes next to the variable name.
The drilldown order during the analysis is depending on the sequence you select or unselect variables here, but it can be rearranged during the search.
When a box is checked the values of the selected dimension will appear below in the interactive drilldown area. By unchecking a variable it will disappear from the interacive area not be used in the search.
When the a variable is selected its values will be displayed in the interactive drilldown area.
The blue and gray bars show relative size based on the number of issues with the given property of the selcted variable.
If you click on a blue bar you select all the issues with this property. You can click on muliple bars for one variable to add issues to your selection. To undo the selection click once more on the selected bar.
If you have selected multiple variables you will see that the number of values available in the other variables will change.
You can drill down from left to right. You are not allowed to click on gray bars before you have chosen one of the blue bars in the variable left of the variable you want to choose from. If you want to skip one variable, just uncheck it. You can also rearrange the variables by using drag and drop by dragging the title fiels of the column and drop it on the title field of the column you want to move it to. You may also clear all selections and start again. After a drag and drop operation you should clear the selected values.
When selecting two values within one variable you add the issues with that property to the result. When choosing one property in the variable to the right (in the next variable) you filter the results.
Immediately during the interactive drilldown the results of the analysis are displayed at the bottom of the page
The default view is a table showing 50 hits. If you want to view all the results, click on the link above the result area.
You may click on the issue number to navigate to the actial issue in Jira
If you click on the tab with name reports you will be shown two buttons
The pdf button will generate and download a simple pdf report of the result you have drilled down to including all issues
The excel button will generate and download a simple excel report listing all issues found in your analysis
We are open to improvement on these reports, so please contact if you have any suggestions for improvement.